CCES Software download
Tools for the Engineer

Steel Constructions
Instant is a reliable and effective structural software solution for a wide range of steelwork which can be simulated with linear beam elements such as: industrial buildings, pylons, trusses, pipe racks, bridges, multi-storey buildings, hangars, canopies and stairs
Version 2020.01
New features:
- Line translation/rotation tool
- Plane translation/rotation tool
- Beam to Column Moment Connection on Column Web
Version 2017.03
New features:
- Line displacement tool
- Wind and Snow auto loads according to EC1
- Multiple beam surface load definition
Older versions
Only documents provided for older versions. The following link provides the documentation files from version 2009 up to 2016:

Composite Buildings
Expert Composite automates the process of analysis and design according of Eurocode 4 and dramatically reduces the time required to complete the study of composite buildings

Composite Bridges
Mixte Bridge is an advanced software application for the analysis and design of composite road and railways bridges according to EC4 and French regulations. It has been distributed to the European market since 1997 and has been used for the design of hundreds of road and rail bridges
Release Notes for Version 2024.01
Release Notes for Version 2022.03
New features:
- Upper flange verification in buckling for bridges with box open and closed sections
- Boxed stiffeners option and verification for bridges with box open and closed sections
- Sections definition in Tabular format
- Value tl (concrete age where loading case is verified) > last construction stage day, control added.
- Results window enhanced
- Torsional values (It) are calculated and added to the section’s definition window for Box sections
- In rail bridges, SW0,SW2, LM71 loads are now generated with exact values corresponding to the beam selected.
Errors corrections
- Long-term, short-term option for convoys corrected in loads definition window
- Value Ratio_l for 2nd beam proposed by the software in cumulative loads report corrected (400kN instead of 200kN)
- Fatigue verification (value l4) corrected for loaded width < 3m
- Crash in case of nodes > 500, corrected
- Crash closing effective width window using x mark corrected
- Mx calculation in boxed bridges for UDL and Pavement loads in case of Mx>0 corrected
- Combinations coefficients by default for Pavements in Road bridges (0.6 for Max and min SLS) and ψ0 = 0.4
- Import error from old versions corrected
- Crash in calculation in French regulations corrected
- Torsional values in box sections where m=1500 or 1000 corrected
Release Notes for Version 2021.01
New features:
- Introduction of stiffeners type « Auget » for box sections
- Moments along X axe (Mx) available
- Buckling stability calculation for cantilever ignored
- Buckling stability calculation for rail bridges
- Buckling stability: results copy-paste to Excel, Word etc

Steel industrial buildings
AutoSteel is an easy and automated tool for creating a complete pre-dimensioning study of a single span steel industrial building that uses standard sections frames or trusses
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We recommend that you keep your software up-to-date as our support desk can only offer limited help options for out-of-date products.