Software for analysis and design of steel structures

INSTANT steel is a reliable and effective structural software solution for a wide range of steelwork which can be simulated with linear beam elements such as: industrial buildings, pylons, trusses, pipe racks, bridges, multi-storey buildings, hangars, canopies and stairs. It is distributed to the European market since 1995 and has been used in thousands of steel projects.

INSTANT steel can analyse and design almost every type of structural beam is used in modern steel industry, including special profiles such as tapered, castellated, and cold rolled sections. It includes a complete connections design environment (EC3 Connections).


More than 500 design offices and steel fabricators have chosen INSTANT steel for its flexibility in model simulation, reliable output results, and consistency on the application of the Eurocodes.

INSTANT steel is being developed by Conception Consulting Engineering Solutions (CCES). It is one of the first structural software applications released in Europe which incorporated Eurocode 3 design and it is recognized as a reference program for the analysis and design of steel structures.

INSTANT steel is continuously updated with new features so as to comply with the increasing demands of the steel industry.


General – User environment:

  • Simplified GUI for fast and accurate data input.
  • Change of physical units at any state of the software.
  • Parametric modelling with the assistance of innovative tools.
  • Supported languages: English, Greek, and Romanian.


  • Static linear analysis.
  • Dynamic analysis.
  • Spectral Analysis using the Greek seismic code (EAK), Romanian seismic code (P100), Eurocode 8 and user defined spectrum.
  • Definition of the viscous damping ratio coefficient.
  • Capability for using stress design method.
  • Sway check.

Results and Reports:

  • Graphical and numerical display of the analysis results (deformations, internal forces, eigenmodes etc).
  • Interactive selection of model elements for which input and results will be contained in the report.
  • Automated production of report with summary or detailed results.
  • Model images, curves, and diagrams embeded in the report.
  • Automatic production in MS Word.

Connections design (Eurocode 3):

  • 25 basic connection types, 120 total different configurations.
  • Interactive definition of the connection from the structural beam model.
  • Detailed design of the connection with the assistance of multiple drawing views.
  • Automatic creation and export of connection drawing in DXF format.
  • Detailed and summary results per connection and loading.
  • Automatic creation of report in MS Word document, with references to Eurocode 3.
  • Capability of stand-alone mode operation, independent from an INSTANT steelmodel (user defines the beams and the analysis results).

Structural data:

  • Accurate beam elements model simulation of the steel structure.
  • Capability of creating library of customized structures in 2D.
  • Flexible and efficient tools for the definition of 3D parametric structures.
  • Structure definition from 3D model generators.
  • Geometric model checks (nodes connectivity, data consistency etc).
  • Grouping and selection of elements for collective properties and loads assignment.
  • Wire model input via DXF.
  • Libraries of standard steel sections (european profiles, UB, UC and cold rolled profiles).
  • Definition of welded, castellated and built up sections.
  • Inclined supports and beams eccentricities.
  • Accurate definition of diaphragms, walls and cores.
  • Capability of spring constant definition in any support or member connectivity in any degree of freedom.
  • Definition of the viscous damping ratio coefficient.
  • Supported materials include steel, concrete, timber and aluminium


Members design (Eurocode 3):

  • Automatic cross section checking of all model beams.
  • Interactive definition of restrains.
  • Automatic calculation of the buckling lengths in the two directions.
  • Section classification (classes 1, 2, 3 and 4).
  • Capability for accurate computation of the n coefficient.
  • Local buckling of the web due to shear and check of the resistance of the section in bending, bending and axial, shear, bending and shear, bending shear and axial checks.
  • Bending and buckling and lateral torsional buckling member checks.
  • Analytical and summary check results per member and load.
  • Colour representation of failing members in the model.
  • Automatic creation of report in MS Word document, with references to Eurocode 3.
  • Capability of stand-alone mode operation, independent from an INSTANT steelmodel (user defines the member and the analysis results).

Automated Re-analysis With Updated Member Sections

CBase Connecting Beams

CHS Column Base Plate

Working in 3D


Contact us

15 Mesogeion Avenue, Athens, 11526

More informations

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